Frequently Asked Questions About ACE

1. How is the Association for Communication Excellence (ACE) managed?

ACE is managed through a professional association management company called Celtic Associations, based just outside Chicago in Morton Grove, Illinois. Celtic provides essential support services such as membership management, event planning, financial administration, and communication coordination. This partnership allows the ACE board and committees to focus on its mission of advancing excellence in communication for agriculture, natural resources, and life sciences.

2. What are the officer positions in ACE, and what do they do? ACE relies on a team of dedicated volunteer officers who play critical roles in guiding the organization. These positions include:

  • President: Leads the organization, oversees strategic initiatives, and represents ACE at major events and meetings.
  • President-Elect: Assists the President and oversees the C&A program in collaboration with Celtic.
  • Vice President: Assists the President and President-Elect, and prepares to take on the President-Elect role in the following term.
  • Past President: Provides continuity and advice to the leadership team, while leading special projects as needed. The Past President chairs the nominating committee and serves on the Development Committee.
  • Treasurer: Oversees financial planning, budgeting, and reporting for the organization.
  • Board of Directors Members: Represent various professional sectors within ACE and provide strategic direction and input on initiatives. Director positions include: Learning Community, Professional Development, Marketing & Membership, Member Services, Diversity, Retiree, and Development.

The ACE officers and board are elected through a nominating committee process. The past-president chairs the nominating committee, and members can reach out for more information on the process and becoming a nominee.

3. What is the time commitment for an officer position?

The time commitment varies by position but typically includes monthly virtual meetings, participation in committee work, and attendance at the annual ACE Conference. The exact requirements are outlined during the nomination process and in ACE’s bylaws.

4. Are there opportunities to volunteer with ACE outside of officer roles?

Yes! ACE offers a variety of volunteer opportunities, including serving on committees, through the learning communities, helping plan events, mentoring new members, or contributing to special projects. Volunteering is a great way to grow professionally, network with peers, and give back to the communication community.

5. How can I learn more about ACE's operations and governance?

You can review ACE’s bylaws and policy documents, which are accessible to members via the ACE website. Additionally, members are welcome to reach out to board members with questions.

6. Who do I contact if I have questions or want to get involved?

For questions about management or registering for a program, you can reach out to the ACE management team at Celtic. Questions about a specific role, program, or getting more involved should be directed to a board member. Contact information is available on the ACE website under the “Contact Us” section.

7. How can I become a member of ACE?

Joining ACE is easy! Visit the ACE website and navigate to the “Join” section to complete your membership application. ACE offers membership options for professionals, students, and retirees.

8. How can I renew my membership?

We appreciate you being an ACE member! Therefore, to continue benefiting from your membership, please follow the instructions when you receive an email notification reminding you to renew. Also, you can easily renew on the ACE website by clicking on your profile.

9. What are the benefits of being a member of ACE?

ACE members enjoy a variety of benefits, including access to professional development resources, networking opportunities, reduced registration fees for the annual ACE Conference, eligibility for awards, and access to member-only publications and webinars.

10. Are there special programs or initiatives for members?

Yes, ACE offers several programs designed to enhance member engagement and professional growth, such as:

  • Mentorship Program: Connects experienced professionals with newer members to provide guidance and support.
  • ACE Ambassadors: Amplify ACE’s message of who we are and what we offer by happily guiding new members to multiple leadership and development opportunities.
  • Level Up - Virtual Fall Conference: Each November, the Level Up conference is two half-days of educational opportunities and professional development to help members grow professionally.
  • Certification: ACE offers a different certification program each year. Certifications include crisis communications, evaluation, and media relations.
  • Leadership Institute: A two-year cohort program that develops leadership skills through in-person and online sessions (coming in 2026).
  • Learning Communities (LCs): Allow members to collaborate and share expertise in specific areas of interest.
  • Critique and Awards Program: An annual event geared toward providing members with professional critiques of their work and recognizing those who have done an outstanding job.

11. How can I get involved with ACE programs?

Members can get involved by joining a committee, participating in LCs, applying for the Leadership Institute, or volunteering to support ACE events and initiatives. Details about each program are available on the ACE website.

12. Can students join ACE? Absolutely!

ACE welcomes students who are interested in pursuing careers in communication for agriculture, natural resources, and life sciences. Student members gain access to networking opportunities, mentorship, and career development resources.

13. How does ACE support member professional development?

ACE provides various professional development opportunities, including webinars, workshops, certifications, the Fall Level Up conference, and the annual ACE Conference. Members also have access to resources such as webinar recordings and best practices shared by industry leaders.

14. Is ACE on social media?

Yes! You can stay in the know by following ACE on ACE Instagram, ACE Facebook, ACE LinkedIn and the ACE Website. ACE also distributes a quarterly e-newsletter called ACE Edge for members to stay connected. Additional platforms to engage with members are Gaggle Mail and Forums.

© Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences

ACE Office: 847-647-8861

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